Thursday, March 29, 2007

March Madness

Madeline has had quite a month. Early on in March, Mommy brought home a stomach bug from work that Maddie picked up, and in between all the yuckiness, she ended up with another ear infection, too. But now that's all behind us, and Madeline is a tougher kid for having gone through the illness.

Now she's on to teething, working on getting her incisors on the top and bottom. Needless to say, she hasn't been sleeping a lot. Last night she made it all the way through the night without waking up, though, so I think that's a good sign! Maybe all of the teeth are broken through (for the moment) and we'll have a calm spell for a while.

Entertainment-wise, Madeline is a hoot. She has been dancing all over the living room this month, which is great fun to watch. She bounces, kicks her feet, runs in circles, and claps - those are her main moves.

This week she was thrilled to finally see the movie Happy Feet. She's been obsessed with this movie since November. We've watched it twice now - which may not seem like a lot, but consider that we've only had the movie for two days. She always recognizes "Mumble" when he comes on screen, and she likes to dance like him, too. It's always a dance party at our house!

She's been coloring a lot these days, too. She loves to dump all of her crayons out of the box, sometimes from great heights so that they break. Most of the time, she does manage to color on paper or a coloring book, so Mommy and Daddy haven't had to scrub any major surfaces yet... but the blue crayon is currently missing, and I told Dave that some day we're going to discover that Madeline has been a bit too quiet in her room or down the hallway, and then we'll discover that she has re-decorated the walls. It's coming, mark my words!