Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Latest Adventures of SmartyPants

Madeline just turned 18 months old this past weekend, and if my maintenance of this blog is any indication, she has been keeping us extremely busy. I have to admit that the age she is now has always been one of my favorite ages for kids, just because they are so much fun. She is discovering new adventures every day, and it's a great deal of fun to watch.

Recent developments:

She now gives high-fives. The other day she was putting puzzle pieces into one of her wooden puzzles, and when she finished I told her "Good job!" and asked her to give me a high-five, which she did. It was just one of those moments where I felt so happy that she and I were able to carry on this whole dialogue and she fully participated.

She loves the fridge. Because it is cold, and because it contains so many good things to eat and drink, the refrigerator is a source of fascination for Madeline. If Dave or I get something out of there, we have to be stealthy and/or quick, because before we can blink, Madeline is there between the door and the fridge, looking for something interesting. She likes to pick up the bottles or a pitcher of orange juice and then entreat us to "help," because then we are supposed to open the ranch dressing or worchestershire sauce for her, or pour her a glass of OJ.

Messiness is now part of the deal. I have discovered that Madeline enjoys making bigger messes as she gets older. She has found new ways to make messes, which is sort of confounding for her neatnik parents. She likes to pour things out of containers (crayons out of their boxes, juice out of a cup, cotton pads out of their sleeve); mash multiple gobs of Play-Doh into one big multicolored ball; or smear spaghetti or yogurt on her face and in her hair. I am learning cleaning secrets I never knew that I would need, but we'll survive, I'm sure.

She'll give you a pat on the back. One of her more charming traits is that she'll put her arm around me or hug me and pat my back while she does it. I don't know who taught her this, but it makes my heart melt.

She loves to dance. Madeline has discovered that music has a rhythm to it, and she loves to bend her knees to bop her head to the beat. It's so funny to watch her when there's a song that catches her attention playing on TV or the radio. A couple of weeks ago, we took her to a Baby Loves Disco event, which was a bit much for her because there were so many people there. Even so, she and Dave managed to win a prize for being such great dancers!

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