Monday, June 04, 2007

You've Got to Fight (For Your Right to Potty)

Madeline peed in the potty for the first time this weekend - two days in a row! The first time was an honest-to-goodness pee, and the second was just a few drops.

She's been talking about potty-related things for a while now, and she starts to tug at her diaper because we can tell she's getting tired of wearing one. I'm excited for her to make this next step, but I don't want to rush her, so I'm trying to just take things as they come.

Other Madeline-isms lately: when she wants something, she'll say, "me too!" So if we ask, "Madeline, do you want ice cream?" she'll say, "me too!" It's pretty amusing.

She always wants to go outside. We take lots of walks, pick dandelions, examine rocks, play with basketballs, and draw with chalk all the time. Oh, and we scout out the neighbor boy, too - if Madeline sees their garage door open, she'll point and say, "Shawn!" It's fun to see him out and about, too, since he's three days older than Madeline.

We take her out on the weekends when we go to Cub or Target, and apparently she's really starting to like it. A few times this past week, seemingly out of the blue, she'll call out, "Shopping!" A girl after her momma's own heart.

She's also really catching on to counting, and sometimes seems to understand all the numbers 1-10. If we count up to seven, she'll finish with "eight, nine, ten!" or if we start with one, she'll say "two, three!". I think she's just memorizing the word sequence right now, but hopefully the comprehension that these words represent a specific number of things will click sometime soon.

Madeline is coloring all the time, too - we make her "sign" Mother's Day, Father's Day, and birthday cards with a colored scribble now. She's also got her colors down pat, except she still confuses black, white, and brown. The rest are pretty set, especially purple, pink, and yellow - her favorites!

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