Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Getting into trouble, every chance she gets

Now that she's 19 months old, Madeline is figuring out new ways to challenge us every day. She demands to be "up!" all the time, which means that she wants to be seated on the counter/table/other precarious place.

Everything sitting on the counter is fair game for playing then, so cell phones get thrown on the floor, kleenex get pulled out of boxes, and fingers inch ever-so-close to electrical outlets.

She's still just as charming as ever, though. After a bout with a nasty cold and double ear infection, she had lost a little weight - I'd estimate a pound or two. But her appetite is back now, and her little tummy is rounding out again quite nicely. Thank goodness, because Madeline's mommy is a born worrier!

1 comment:

slarsen said...

Oh, she can't get into trouble, she is just too darn cute. How smart and sneaky she is becoming... and how quickly. I'm so proud :)
